Dave Taylor, 1971

Dave Taylor, 1971

Bob Osgood's text as it appeared in
Sets in Order / Square Dancing magazine

Dave Taylor
Our Cover Caller for this month can attest to the fact that being “drafted” can have advantages. For in 1953, while working part-time for the Detroit Parks and Recreation Department he was put in charge of Saturday night activities, which included teaching children’s square dance classes. This was the beginning of square dance calling for Dave and today he enjoys an international reputation. In addition to being a full-time school teacher Dave makes many personal calling tours, has recorded for Windsor Records and recently for Blue Star. He has appeared on the staffs of many institutes across the country and is the director of his own Boyne Highlands Squarama in Michigan. Most recent among Dave’s many accomplishments is the chapter on Teaching which appeared in the December and January issues of Square Dancing magazine.

Dave and Angie’s home square dance activities range from beginner groups to advanced level club dances, and altho’ Dave is known as an “advanced level” caller, he and Angie still derive a great deal of pleasure in working with beginners. Regardless of the level, Dave’s effervescent personality shines thru. And so we take pride in adding to the Sets in Order American Square Dance Hall of Fame the Gene Anthony portrait of Dave Taylor.

(Square Dancing, February, 1971)

Milestone Award Citation

Interview with Bob Brundage

Additional Photos