Bob Osgood's text as it appeared in Sets in Order / Square Dancing magazine
Lee Helsel Imagine if you can being caller for a club whose members included such people as Danny Kaye, Alan Reed (the voice of [Fred] Flintstone), Ronald Colman, Preston Foster, Ralph Edwards, Milburn Stone and Dinah Shore. This, among many vivid recollections was part of Lee Helsel’s early experiences during 25 years of calling. Another highlight was a calling and teaching swing through Europe in 1960 for the U.S. Military. A life-long career in recreation and administration has put Lee in an ideal position to present leadership training to callers and dancers throughout the world. Today, he somehow manages to combine home club and class schedules and frequent personal calling assignments across the country with his full time responsibility as Program Administrator for the California Division of Mental Retardation. Because of his countless unselfish contributions to this activity we welcome him to the Square Dance Hall of Fame and add the Gene Anthony portrait to the Gallery.